Sunday 13 July 2003

Congratulations, you've found the first post.

I'm the Alan E Brain that sometimes contributes to The Command Post.
A bit about myself :

Born 1958, in the UK, not very far from Windsor Castle. By profession, a Software and Systems Engineer, fighting a Don Quixote-like battle against the forces of Slack and Shoddy Software.

My politics are somewhat to the left by US standards, but more to the right by Australian ones. Call me a Gladstonite Liberal (G'day Gladstonite Liberal!) who believes that less Government is usually better Government. But that applies to any large organisation, be it a natural or artificial monopoly, NGO, corporation, cartel, government or society, secret or otherwise.

Some of my software is currently orbitting the planet at 800 km, and will do so for about the next century.

The most important thing in my life is my immediate Family - my wife of 20+ years, Carmel, my son Andrew, conceived in the last century, born in this one, and the Canine member, Brandy Snap.

The overall look'n'feel of the blog will likely change over the coming weeks as I experiment with various template changes. Feedback is welcome.

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