
Sunday, 20 July 2003


It's not well known - certainly amongst Germans who I've spoken to - but there was a Nazi guerilla movement in Germany in the months and even years immediately after WW2. There were called "Werewolves". The parallels with the current situation in Iraq are striking. So close that "truth is stranger than fiction.". For an article on the subject, go read The Command Post. (BTW The title of the article is from a book by Clifford Simak. Not one of my favourites.

UPDATE : It seems that Chuck Simmons was thinking along the same lines. <humour>How dare he so obviously plagiarise me, and do it at least 24 hours before I wrote my article!</humour>

UPDATE: And it seems that Hugh Hewitt of the Weekly Standard (who I've already quoted once before) got in even earlier, on the 10th. So at least one mainstream journalist "gets it". What about the others though?

UPDATE: Ralph Peters at the Washington Post does.

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