
Tuesday, 19 August 2003

The Quick and the Dead

From The Australian :
US troops have admitted shooting dead an award-winning Reuters cameraman while he was filming near a US-run prison on the outskirts of Baghdad.

Witnesses said US soldiers on a tank shot Mazen Dana, 43, as he filmed outside Abu Ghraib prison in western Baghdad yesterday. The prison had earlier come under a mortar attack.

Moments before being shot, Dana told a colleague that working close to the US military was not a problem "as long as they don't shoot me".

His last pictures show a US tank driving towards him outside the prison walls. Several shots ring out from the tank, and Dana's camera falls to the ground. The US military acknowledged its troops had "engaged" the Reuters cameraman, saying they thought his camera was a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

"Army soldiers engaged an individual they thought was aiming an RPG at them. It turned out to be a Reuters cameraman," a spokesman for the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in Washington yesterday.
OK, look at the picture to the left. Which ones are Anti-Tank Missile Launchers and which ones are Cameras? Remember, the pass mark is 100%.
(Animation courtesy of Spartacus - reload to restart)

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