Pauline Hanson is still in prison after losing her second bid for bail, but a panel of three judges believes her lawyers have mounted a strong case for her conviction to be overturned.Let's see... even the prosecution now admits that the people-who-weren't-actually-party-members in fact are probably party members in law. And the court believes that the sentence was probably far too high in any event. But the distinguished court and the Law supposes that's no reason to grant bail before the next election...
The Queensland Court of Appeal, in a judgment handed down yesterday, also suggested the former One Nation leader's three-year sentence for electoral fraud was too long.
The panel's judgment said the argument against Hanson's conviction in a submission to the court by Hanson's counsel, Cedric Hampson, "appears sound, appears in parts actually conceded in argument by the Crown" and "would appear to destroy the basis for Ms Hanson's conviction on any count".
But the judges found neither Hanson nor party co-founder David Ettridge had produced the "exceptional circumstances" required for them to be released on bail pending their appeals, expected to be heard in early November.
The court also dismissed appeals by the two party founders against judge Richard Chesterman's decision to refuse them bail on September 1.
To quote Charles Dickens:
'If the law supposes that,' said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, 'the law is a ass — a idiot.'
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