
Friday, 10 October 2003

Profile on Normblog

The estimable Prof. Norman Geras has just published a profile of yours truly on his blog.
I've found his previous profiles most enlightening, and his multi-part essays on ethical conundra are matched only by the very Beste.
So if you want to meet a Rational Marxist, please go visit the Normblog. Even Right-wing Death Beasts such as myself are made welcome.

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Anonymous commenters - please add a signature (doesn't have to be your real name) on each post of yours. Anne O'Namus, Norm D. Ploom, Angry from Kent, Demosthenes, or even your real initials, it doesn't matter.

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Australian commenters are very very strongly advised to publish anonymously. Sydney alone has more defamation actions than the entire USA and UK. Nearly double that of the UK in fact.

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