
Friday, 30 July 2004

Guaranteed to contain No Elephant Dung

The wonders you find on the Internet.

From Culture Kiosque :
Ofili remarked during a radio interview at the award ceremony that the important thing was to know whether art was "good art or bad art" and not whether it contained elephant dung.

An example of 'Good Art', is Gum Blondes.
Each Gum Blonde is 100% chewed Bubblegum on a plywood backing. No paint or dye is used. The colour is inherent in the gum - the mixing of colour takes place inside the mouth during chewing using an endless variety of flavours made by an endless variety of companies. Kronenwald [Jason Kronenwald, the artist] has a dedicated team of chewers and prefers the texture of Trident. However he does not chew gum himslef unless he must.
Have a look at the gallery. The initial works were crude and experimental, but by the third or fourth, a true style was developed.

( Hat Tip : Utterly Boring )

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