
Monday, 30 August 2004

Curse You, Red Baron!

John F. Kerry building a Fokker Triplane after his electoral defeat in 1972


  1. "Pictured here, the Senator unveils his secret plan to upgrade the Air Force."

  2. *Chuckle*

    Or perhaps : future President inspects 3 Fighter Wings?

  3. hehheh.

    Other captions:

    "The SwiftVets were correct: John Kerry, proven modeler-Fokker."

    "The '71 model Kerry: Hair by Isabelle, sweater by Benneton, Herve "De plane!" Villechaize Capri pants and Sandy Berger(tm) elasticized socks."

    "Kerry recalled his secret peace mission, landing 5 miles behind enemy lines on Christmas Day, 1918, where he met with foreign leaders, including Baron von Richthofen."


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