
Wednesday, 22 September 2004

Better Late than Never

From the ABC :
In a blow to its credibility, CBS News said it had been deliberately misled over the authenticity of documents it aired in a story challenging US President George W Bush's military service.

"Based on what we now know, CBS News cannot prove that the documents are authentic, which is the only acceptable journalistic standard to justify using them in a report," CBS News said in a statement.

"We should not have used them. That was a mistake, which we deeply regret," the network said, adding that it had launched an internal investigation into the matter.

The announcement marked a dramatic and embarrassing reversal by the network that just five days ago said it was satisfied with the accuracy of the documents first aired earlier this month in a 60 Minutes II segment.
Of course readers of this blog knew about this over ten days ago.

1 comment:

  1. Which Roger Stone?
    This one? or This one? Maybe This one? Or perhaps you mean This one. I assume so, by context.

    Money quote :

    [start quote]
    The hot rumor in New York political circles has Roger Stone, the longtime GOP activist, as the source for Dan Rather's dubious Texas Air National Guard "memos."
    [end quote]

    Alas, the URL it links to just repeats the fact that there is a rumour to that effect. No actual data. Not even a fake memo.

    Still, if half the things said about him are to be believed, this guy is truly Machiavellian. I mean, supporting the Republicans by truly twisted methods :

    [start quote]
    Stone played a pivotal role in putting together Sharpton's pending application for federal matching funds, getting dollars in critical states from family members and political allies at odds with everything Sharpton represents. He's also helped stack the campaign with a half-dozen incongruous top aides who've worked for him in prior campaigns. He's even boasted about engineering six-figure loans to Sharpton's National Action Network (NAN) and allowing Sharpton to use his credit card to cover thousands in NAN costs : neither of which he could legally do for the campaign.
    [end quote]

    Sharpton (for any Aussie reading this) is, or rather was, a contender for the Presidential nomination. And is a Democrat, that's the opposite party to the Republicans (GOP). Sharpton is a confirmed racist, and somewhat to the left of Bob Brown politically. An odious character, and anyone who supports him is tainted. Doing so by illegal methods, so the Democrats will not only put up a certain loser, but get besmirched doing so, that's... clever. Really Evil, but clever.

    From your post, you are obviously an agent of this Roger Stone person, trying to convince people of the Republican Party's superior qualifications for the Presidency by portraying them as Malevolent, Machiavellian geniusses, as opposed to equally Malevolent, Gullible and careless idiots in the DNC. If so, you've succeeded, despite me sussing you out.

    Though why you'd pick an obscure blog in Australia to do your evil work is beyond me. As part of a campaign of Google-Bombing? The double-post makes that a possibility. But one of my favourite sayings is "never attribute to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence". Having inadvertantly double-posted not just comments, but whole articles myself, I share your pain.

    Oh yes - as regards G.W.Bush's service: I'm in a tiny minority in giving a rat's posterior about it, so I'd appreciate some URLs to back up your statements. Bonus points if you give URLs for the counter-arguments, and triple-points and a gold star for URLs refuting them.

    Ta for the comment. I hadn't known about the Machiavellian Stone before. Your comment made me think, do some reasearch, and for that I'm really grateful. I owe you one (even if you're a Stone agent).


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