It's a fairly advanced paper, far beyond my skills (which have rusted after 20 years of disuse), so I could only understand about 10% of it without consulting old textbooks. Even then, I'd have to become familiar with advances and terminology in maths that have only become current in the last two decades. For most people, it would appear as mystifying as, say, Derrida at his worst. Just read the Abstract (below) to see what I mean.
BRANCH RINGS, THINNED RINGS, TREE ENVELOPING RINGSAlas, some of the concepts really do require their own special terminology: the object is not to Blind with Science, or Baffle with BS, it's to communicate very exact and abstruse ideas to people who have the right background.
Abstract. We develop the theory of “branch algebras”, which are infinite dimensional associative algebras that are isomorphic, up to taking subrings of finite codimension, to a matrix ring over themselves. The main examples come from groups acting on trees.
In particular, we construct an algebra over the field of two elements, that is finitely generated, prime, infinite-dimensional but with all proper quotients finite, has a recursive presentation, is graded, and has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 2.
The interesting thing about it is the first line :
Rings are powerful tools, and those arising from groups have been studied in great length [32, 39, 40]. The first author’s long-awaited monograph on the topic should prove illuminating [5].The references,
[5] Bilbo Baggins, There and Back Again. . . A Hobbit’s Tale by Bilbo Baggins, in preparation.And, of course, the co-authors.
[32] Donald S. Passman, The algebraic structure of group rings, Wiley-Interscience [John Wiley & Sons], New York, 1977, ISBN 0-471-02272-1, Pure and Applied Mathematics.
[39] John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002.
[40] _________, The Hobbit , Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999.
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