
Saturday 9 April 2005

Mind Control Lasers a Reality!

This one's got the lot. Genetic Engineering. And Mind Control Lasers - though not Orbital ones.

From the Scotsman :
Scientists have genetically engineered remote-controlled flies that can be made to jump and beat their wings with pulses of laser light.

Light-sensitive triggers in the flies' brains and nervous systems allow the insects' actions to be directed by shining a laser beam at them.

The breakthrough by scientists in the United States opens up new avenues for studying neural circuits without using brain implants. Ultimately, it could lead to new ways of restoring body functions lost through injury and disease, say the researchers.

But the idea of manipulating behaviour with a laser also raises the frightening prospect of sci-fi-style "mind control" becoming a potential reality.

Researchers from Yale University'™s School of Medicine genetically engineered fruit flies with special "receivers" embedded in specific nerve cells. The receivers consist of ion channels - proteins that act as gateways for electrically charged particles.

A small molecule called ATP, injected into the flies, unlocks the ion channel gate. But the ATP is trapped in a chemical "cage" that can only be opened by stimulation with laser light.

When millisecond pulses of ultraviolet laser light were shone at the flies, the ATP was freed to activate the ion channels, which in turn affected the flies' behaviour.
No word yet if teeny-weeny little tinfoil hats can protect the flies from the effects.

Of course, some newspapers are ahead of the rest on this.

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