
Monday, 18 April 2005

Vogon Film Making

The new Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy movie was obviously made by Vogons.

Here's the original dialogue:
"I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the Display Department."
"With a torch."
"The lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But you found the plans, didn't you?"
"Oh yes, they were 'on display' in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the leopard.'"
And here's the new, improved Movie version.
"I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"But you found the plans, didn't you?"
Well, that's certainly more humourous, isn't it?

Along the way, they dispensed with a lot of other non-essentials. Joo Janta 200 Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses. The Guide entry on towels. "Milliways, Disaster Area, the 'B'-Ark, prehistoric Earth and anything else in the later part of the story".

Some reviewers may disagree, but for me, H2G2 was always about the language and the footnotes, not the plot. The crinkly bits on the edges.

Hat Tip : Blithering Bunny

1 comment:

  1. Plot? HITCHIKER'S had a plot? Where?

    Anyway, I've been dreading the movie. I've always explained to people that the low production values of the original series (relative to today's CGI, etc.) are part of what make them so enjoyable.

    And the edited dialog you posted is simply criminal.


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