
Saturday, 11 June 2005

Book Meme

From Hak Mao, I've been Book Memed.

Number of books I own Judging from the volume they're taking up, approximately 1.5 tonnes, perhaps 5000. Not including the collections of SF magazines in book format, another thousand or so.

Last book I bought Just blew $185 at Galaxy Bookshop, last one on the receipt was "Darwin's Watch (The Science of Discworld III)" by Pratchett Et Al. in hardcover.

Last book I re-read Herodotus : the Histories

Five books that mean a lot to me
  1. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein
  2. Earth by David Brin
  3. The History of the Second World War by Sir Winston Churchill
  4. The Screwtape Letters by C.S.Lewis
  5. I Will Fear No Evil by Robert Heinlein again

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