
Friday, 10 February 2006

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheming

Folowing up from the previous post, it looks like I'm facing a 5-fold increase in the cost of the anti-androgens I'm on.

Why? It's all explained here.

"To reduce drive in sexual deviations in males.", the cost is $28.50 for 100 tablets.

"Moderate to severe androgenisation in non-pregnant women", the cost is $28.50 for 20 tablets.

Of course the full market price is $278.78 for 100 tablets, so it's still being subsidised by my taxes.

Never mind, after November, I can say "goodbye" to all that.

The trouble is, my metabolism isn't following the normal rules. Everyone's making their best efforts to follow the "standards of care" for transsexual transition, and to comply with government regulations on what's allowable, but Reality keeps getting in the way.

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