
Thursday, 25 May 2006

New Toy

A new laptop. So I'm busy configuring it, downloading the latest MS patches (yes, it has XP... bleah), and getting wifi connectivity at Uni etc etc.

A nice machine though, and will keep me entertained in Thailand in November. Also good enough to do work on during the highly embarressing, messy and intesnely personal therapeutic regime I'll be engaging in for four hours a day for 6 months therafter.

My day is already too darned full to take 4 hours out of it.

It's not the most powerful machine, to say the least, but adequate for Office apps, and it has a DVD burner, integral WiFi and Bluetooth, camera and mike. About 5 times as fast with 4 times the memory and 6 times the hard disk capacity of the desktop that I normally use at home. Moore's Law and all that.

Moore (!) to the point, it was cheap. About $1000 US. And for the real apps that need a lot of computing power, I use a Solaris desktop machine at the Uni, which is about ten times as powerful in every respect. Still under $1500 US though.

Now if only I didn't have to use XP, which is exactly as bad as I always thought it would be. Never mind, it runs the software I need when other systems won't.

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