
Sunday, 4 June 2006

Political Reliability and Medicine

One of the many things that really sickened me about the late and unlamented DDR - East Germany - was the allocation of academic places. Talent, ability, and the propensity to work hard had little to do with it. It was how politically reliable you were, and in particular, who your parents were.

If the bourgoisie - forget it. The child of an academic had no chance of entry, as Intellectuals were by definition suspect. Only those of good proletarian stock, or better yet, children of Party Members, were considered.

I never thought I'd see the same sort of thing happen here.

From The Australian :
Medical schools are giving students coveted university training places based on "personality assessments" that include asking for their views on the Iraq war and gay marriage.

Less academically gifted students are leapfrogging those with better marks by signing up for coaching programs that school them in handling the interview questions -- fuelling critics' claims that the personality tests are skewing the selection process for the nation's future doctors away from the best and brightest.

Some interviewees have been asked to debate the rights and wrongs of providing in-vitro fertilisation services to gay people. Other questions include what applicants' parents do for a living and whether they went to a private school.

Some senior doctors are now accusing universities of attempting to "socially engineer" medical school intakes by giving preference to candidates who reflect the interviewers' views, allegedly often left-wing.
"Questions that are being asked, and that should never be asked, are questions such as 'What does your father do?', 'What does your mother do?', 'Where do you live?' and 'What school did you go to?'," Dr Deacon said.

"If you went to a private school, or your father is a doctor, you are simply not going to be selected. The justification is the personal biases of those doing the interviews -- they are trying to engineer the selection of medical undergraduates to further their own desires."

He said he knew of one student whose HSC results put her in the state's top 40. "She was asked these questions," he said. "Because her father was a specialist doctor and went to private school, she didn't get in. It's hard to comprehend."

Dr Deacon said students' views on Iraq or gay marriage had "nothing to do with ability to be a doctor", and the risk was that interviewers would frown on candidates whose views clashed with their own.
The medical schools say interviewers are trained to judge an applicant's ability to reason and argue intelligently, not the position they take. But at least one university is scrapping the interview process after finding no evidence that the students selected by panels performed any better during the course.

And experts who assess personalities have cast doubts on the validity of the interviews.

A NSW forensic psychiatrist, Julian Parmegiani, does personality assessments in situations such as parole applications and court-ordered psychiatric evaluations. He writes in the latest issue of NSW Doctor, the magazine of the NSW Australian Medical Association, that the interviews "will not identify altruistic, kind and empathetic doctors" but merely the students best able to divine what interviewers wanted to hear.

"Successful students might be just a tad more psychopathic, manipulative and intent on recouping their investments," Dr Parmegiani writes.
Exactly. I've seen exactly that kind of behaviour amongst a certain class of student here at the ANU. We tend to discourage it.

Meanwhile those with high academic marks who have been denied places on such social-engineering grounds might do well to take up law. Or at least, hire a lawyer, and institute a massive lawsuit.


  1. Ah the wonders of multicult education. 20 years from now your going to have to travel overseas for decent medical care.

  2. Funny you should say that... I'm going to Thailand in November because the surgeon there is better than anyone here for this particular procedure.
    It's costing me nearly double, but you only get one chance to get it right, and he's possibly the best in the world.


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