
Saturday, 3 March 2007

PhD Woes

Remember it's supposed to be Summer here. And indeed, temperatures in late February are usually around 25C, 85F.

This was Canberra the day after a Freak Thunderstorm. That's not snow : that's compacted Ice from the hailstones. Many of which were golfball size or large, and which fell in such huge numbers that drauns and gutters were blocked almost instantly.
From a Newsletter of the Australian National University :
Just under 60 buildings across campus received major damage this week during one of the worst storms to hit Canberra in recorded history.

The freak storm cut a swathe from Belconnen to Civic late on Tuesday 27 February, pelting the area in large hailstones and heavy rain.

A thick layer of hail still carpeted the campus on Wednesday morning when University authorities began an extensive damage assessment and clean-up operation.

Water inundation was the most common cause of damage in many buildings, where gutters were blocked by hail and roofs gave way under heavy loads of rain. This resulted in extensive harm to ceilings, walls, carpets, computers, books and documents.

The School of Art, School of Music, Chifley Library, and the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering, and Computer Science and Information and Technology buildings were among the hardest hit.
Given the number of buildings affected, staff were asked to remain away from campus and work at home until their building was cleared by safety inspectors.
ANU staff and private contractors began restoring the buildings and grounds the day after the storm. Facilities staff said while most buildings would be open again by next week, it would be weeks before all repairs were carried out.
From a list of damaged buildings :
Most buildings on campus have now been cleared for use from Monday 5 March 2007. NB. The follow lists cover the exceptions - those buildings that are either PARTIALLY OPENED or remain CLOSED.


The following buildings are partially opened – some sections as noted in the comments remain closed – though this may change over the next couple days.
CSIT bldg ( Major water damage to upper level and loss of skylights)
That's the Computer Science and Information Technology Building. Where my office was in Room N320 on the upper floor, right next to rooms which used to have skylights.

UPDATE : Latest communication on the subject:
It's clear that all staff and research students on the SW side of level
3 will need to move offices to allow repair and clean up work by the
Clem, Eric, Malcom, Chuan, Denny, Derek Wang - rooms have been found and
your computers moved for you:
Clem - to Carol's office N213
Malcolm (& Brian) to N324 (ex Chris J, ex Brian)
Chuan - N214 - will be moved on Monday (thank you John Zigman)
Eric - has moved himself to N226
Denny and Derek - to N211 (still being set up by TSG)
(for phones and compupters - ask TSG)

Postgrads in N320 - minor damage, uncertain, no urgent move yet.
Tom Gedeon - possibly N243, not yet decided (no urgent move).
Paul Thomas - no urgent move.
- if you disagree with this assessment come and talk to me about it -
there are some spaces that you could move into.

Other staff and students on level 3 please wait until *Tuesday* if possible to return to your office - and even then, please await confirmation.

All academic staff: PLEASE do not come in Monday except briefly as needed to move belongings.
DON'T expect to work in your office on Monday!
When you do move belongings - please note any storm damage - there is a limited insurance cover even for personal effects. I do not know the details, but record everything relevant - preferably with photos.
So I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the two special-purpose computers I've been building, and the copious written notes, are still OK. *SIGH*


  1. Jiminy Christmas! That's some hailstorm. Reminds me of a joke:

    Q. What's worse than raining cats and dogs?

    A. Hailing taxis!

    Badum-tish. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. Try the veal!

  2. That was by far the most foetid, the most rancid, the most excruciable (that is, execrable and excruciating) joke I have heard in some time.

    Worthy of the Great Master Himself, Basil Brush.

    Thanks Jane, I needed that!

  3. Hey, the Romans could cope with it, so you can too: "Hail, Caesar!"



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