
Sunday, 20 May 2007


Over at Shrink Rap. A Podcast, featuring no less than the head of the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit and the Center for Sexual Health, Chris Kraft, PhD. I thought it was rather nice of them to dedicate it to me (BLUSH!!), a pleasant gesture in a world where small kindnesses are all too rare.

Now if anyone had told me 25 months ago that I would have had an audio programme starring not one, not two, but three American psychiatrists, plus the head of the Johns Hopkins etc etc etc dedicated to me.... I'd say they were crazy.

Of all the nearby multiverses, this one is definitely one of the weirder ones. But it has its charms.


  1. By speaking, you have become a voice. By appearing, you are made an icon. Most heroes are accidental, most legends are happenstance. Welcome to Myth Zoe Brain.


  2. As I said on the podcast, software geeks have a special place in the Shrink Rap circle of friends. (PHP/MySQL, ASP, .Net developer here).


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