
Saturday, 6 October 2007


I was asked by someone recently what "Stealth" meant. I've mentioned it before, in the context of it being impossible for me, but I've never explained it.

This film clip from 1980 explains what it is, and why so many choose it, if they can.

Yes, some of us look pretty awful, not pretty. And some look really good, and with no entanglements (their families usually disown them), no Job (many get fired when they transition), well, giving up a past that is nothing but pain looks like a really good idea. "There's nothing for me here: I'm going to become a Jedi like my Father".

But some stay behind, to help others. If you can't go Deep Stealth - or even if you can - it's an alternative.


  1. You write "giving up a past that is nothing but pain looks like a really good idea."

    Infinite horror, infinite anguish, infinite pain. Oh yes, all well worth giving up, if it means suicide or undergoing Sex Affirmation Treatment.


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