
Sunday, 16 March 2008

50 Not Out

My half century.

I wondered when I was 10 what I'd be doing when I was 50 years old. 2008 seemed so far off in 1968.

Oddly enough, my predictions weren't that far off the mark. I'm still working on my PhD rather than being Dr Brain, and I don't have a large family, but close enough.

The one area I got completely wrong was where I'd be living. Wrong planet. No Moonbase One for this little Zoe. And I think that if ever I'm to make it, I better start learning Mandarin.
"In German - Or Englisch
I know how to Count Down.
And I'm learning Chinese"
said Werner Von Braun


Or maybe I'll go the cryonics route, live forever or die in the attempt. We'll see. Life is still full of exciting possibilities.


  1. Congratulations on your half century and many happy returns of the day.

  2. Congratulations.
    50 is not what it was 50 years ago. Increasing nutrition and medicine mean that we are living longer and healthier than other generations, and aging slower.
    Yes, it's a milestone, but hopefully you've got wide horizons of uncharted lands stretching out in front of you.

  3. Look at it this way, you're now old enough for your birthday cake to be a fire hazard.:)

  4. Have a happy birthday, young lady, and remember -- sixty is the new forty.

  5. 50 not out ... howzaaaat!! My apologies for tuning in late (as usual), very many happy returns Zoe and it's good to see yo back (eh)


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