
Thursday, 17 April 2008

Dry Spell

Not exactly writers' block... but Real Life (tm) getting in the way.

I've thought about a variety of posts, even started some, then left them unfinished. Most are to do with the same tired old subjects of prejudice, persecution and so on. Now I'm not tired of "fighting the good fight", but I think my readers deserve better than to get yet another dose of Zoe vs the Idiots of Sol III.

I thought of posting about the Clinton vs Obama death-match in US politics. But that would mean explaining to non-US readers just exactly what the backgrounds of those two are. One's an unprincipled political slimeball and habitual liar, but at least has some experience, and the other's a veteran of some of the dirtiest and most corrupt politics in the whole of the USA, with some very dodgy connections. Once you realise that all the mud they're slinging at each other is absolutely true, they're both really awful candidates, there's not much more to say. One's female, the other's black (though African-Black not American-Black, so culturally quite different). The Democratic Slime-throwers are engaging in auto-cannibalism. The Republican candidate McCain is looking good, only because a has-been and also-ran couldn't help but look good against the kind of opposition he faces.

I thought about commenting about our Illustrious Prime Monster's great 1000-person Gabfest, the 2020 summit. But when 120+ of them belong to just one left-wing think-tank, you know the fix is in, the agenda is set, and the draft reports already written. The immortal bard's words apply : "tis a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Instead, I'll just leave 220 seconds of Mike Oldfield's "Tubular bells 2003".


  1. Just intersperse the TS posts with posts about rockets and shit

  2. Clinton vs Obama...One's an unprincipled political slimeball and habitual liar, but at least has some experience, and the other's a veteran of some of the dirtiest and most corrupt politics in the whole of the USA, with some very dodgy connections.

    Um...Clinton is "one" and Obama is "other"? Or is it the other way around? Unfortunately, I can't tell for sure based on your description.

  3. Obama has less experience.
    But yes, they both have most of their vices in common, and add arrogance to the catalogue too.

    Note that none of the above disqualify someone from being a successful politician - but you don't want a politician as POTUS, you want a Statesman. There's a difference. The US would survive.

    I doubt that either would do the USA more harm than Carter, though the stench of corruption would be stronger.

    To me, the interesting contest is for McCain's VP. Who I think has a significant chance of running the country around 2012. Condi perhaps?

  4. I don't know what we will do if McCain wins. A lot of us are really scared what will happen if PNAC has another glorious 4 years of unfettered access to the White House. 8 years of Bush has already crippled out Supreme Court for decades and McCain would no doubt finish it off.

    Goodbye Roe V. Wade, hello tranny deathcamps.Goodbye fruitless mideast peace talks & hello nukes. Goodbye Heart.



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