Friday, 17 October 2008

Peace / Victory

Depending on how you look at it. The face that sank a thousand trolls.


RadarGrrl said...

Did I miss something? Anonymous Coward gave up?

Frederick Paul Kiesche III said...

But, teacher says that every time a bell rings, another troll is born!

Anonymous said...

MgS said...


Your point would be what?!

Anonymous said...

look at those manly man hands Uncle Al.

Makes the nails look like warts they are so big.

Guten Tag my horrific imitation female.

Victory? There will be no victory. Every day when you shave, think about who is winning the victory.

Think of the houses in hawaii with the lava flowing by them.

Nature remains in place pal.

Alan lives as a man pretending to live as a woman.

Fake lady.

Look! Point! Stare!

Get the fuck away from your kid Alan you sick fuck.

Goodbye, I just came by to see show some colleagues your hacked apart body.

Lloyd Flack said...

Oh dear,

You are an impotent joke. You want to hurt and you cannot. For your own sake admit that you have a problem and get some help. The best thing that we could do for you is to get you to really look at yourself. I do not know how to do that.

RadarGrrl said...

Will you give it up already, Anonymous Coward?

Zoe Brain said...

Methinks the lady protesteth too much.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Poor anonymoron. It must truly suck to be such a loser. I have some sad news for you anonymoron: Zoe's had her surgery; you're too late.

Anonymous said...

"look at those manly man hands Uncle Al."

So friggin' what? I have manly hands too, and great big man feet. And manboobs for that matter. And XY chromosomes. Few people think I am a man though.

Anonymous said...

Your blog, your rules...but while Anonymouse's first few hundred words made an amusing unintentional parody, I'd say the S:N ratio is dropping.

RadarGrrl said...

Sure, AC, I have a size 12 combat boot on each foot. Would you like one up your tight little arse?

Kiriel du Papillon said...

I think you are looking amazingly gorgeous girl! Colour me jealous, and ignore the anonymous pratfaces who are too cowardly to even put their names to their posts.

I am honoured to be your friend and incredibly proud of how you have transformed your life... and you are NEVER going to get near my wardrobe because I just know I would just have to add you to the list of women who look better in my clothes than I do!

RadarGrrl said...

She's got a cute bum, I'll give you that!