
Wednesday 19 November 2008

Cthugha's Abode

From the Necronomicon
Of ye Old Ones, not all came on Earth. Ye Demon-Sultan Azathoth, Him Who Is Not To Be Named, lurks ever on that dark world near Aldebaran in ye Hyades. Likewise, Cthugha chose for His abode ye star Fomalhaut.

To visit such places, ye Traveller shall be patient. Only a few chosen are allowed to travel through time and space and see by themselves ye very places where They were born. Either madness or Death is the toll for such a journey. However, it is possible, as ye following chapters will show, to open Windows or Gates though which one may look upon Ye Dark Stars. Ye ritual has a risk though, for Ye Old Ones or Their Minions may feel your gaze and track you down unmercifully.

[Translator's note : Abdul Al-Hazred died in Damascus, circa 738 A.D. Of his final death or disappearance many terrible and conflicting things are told. He is said by Ebn Khallikan (12th century biographer) to have been siezed by an invisible monster in broad daylight and devoured horribly before a large number of fright-frozen witnesses. It is probable one of these "Watchers" finally found him.]

This is the first image of an extra-solar planet, around Formalhaut. The magnified box is shown to the bottom right. Image is from the Hubble Space telescope.

Any resemblance to Sauron's Lidless Eye is purely coincidental, I'm sure.


  1. I'm sure you've seen it, but better safe than sorry!

  2. LOL Choice Quote Zoe!!
    "However, it is possible, as ye following chapters will show, to open Windows or Gates though which one may look upon Ye Dark Stars."
    Microsoft Fomalhaut? XD

    Any idea how long it would take a solar sail to get there for closeups? Perhaps some of us young ones might live long enough to see the pictures from our deathbeds?


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