
Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Voting Open Closed

The 2008 Weblog Awards

Vote here.

Polls close Monday January 12, 2009 at 10:00 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is 5:00 p.m. (EST) and 2:00 p.m. (PST).

You may vote once every 24 hours in each poll.
After voting in an individual poll you will be locked out from voting again in that poll (on the computer you voted from) for 24 hours.
Each poll has its own separate 24 hour lockout control. Voting in, for example, Best Blog will not lock you out of voting in other categories.

NOW ENDORSED BY TIM BLAIR (who could win it any time he chooses)

The Executive Summary below lists why you should, or should not, vote for this blog. But whether you vote or not, welcome to all first-time visitors, and I think you'll find something to amuse and/or perplex you on every page of the archives. Enjoy!


  1. The thing is, Zoe, I don't read many other blogs besides yours. And certainly no others originating from Oz, except for Matt's, but he hasn't updated his for ages last I looked. So does it still make sense for me to vote yours as the best blog? I would vote for you just because you're my friend and because I believe you are doing a wonderful thing for all of us who share this condition, aside from the scientific articles that come along now and then, which I also enjoy reading usually very much. Or, will you get anything out of it if you win? There is still time before the polls close. Can you help me here?

  2. Hi Nica!

    You'll find a list of all the other finalists here, with convenient URLs. If you think another one is better, then you should vote for that one.

    On the other hand, if this is the only ANZ blog you read, obviously it's the best ANZ blog from your viewpoint, so you should vote accordingly.

    There's no prize - other than a certificate to frame. But I think that this is the first time any woman with such an unusual medical history has been nominated outside the GLBT category. And certainly the first time any of us have been nominated for the ANZ award. In the event that I win, it can't help but get us accepted further into the mainstream. More will read about us. More will understand us.

    I can't and shouldn't tell you how to vote, and friendship shouldn't enter into it. OK, it does, we're all human, but I'd rather have an honest vote against than one for that's motivated purely by emotional ties.

    Hugs, Zoe

  3. Thank you, Zoe.

    That's good enough for me.

    You may send payment to the following address...


  4. G'day Zoe.Just a quick note to wish you luck in the Weblog Awards.
    I can't help but support the underdog.Thanks to Tim's post I am now aware of your (and many like yourself) plight.I have read some of your articles since then and been amazed and saddened by some people's reactions to Transpeople.
    Unfortunately,too many petty self-interest groups have the Governments ear,instead of the more important ones.Hopefully that can change in the not too distant future.

    As a fellow Piscean,born in the year of the Dog,who also happens to think Mike Oldfield rocks (especially Discovery,in particular,Talk About Your Life and The Lake) all the best for 2009.

    Kind Regards,Muzz.

  5. Zoe, I broke two fingers already voting in the poll, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

    I'm sorry.


  6. Woah congrats on the endorsement. That explains why you suddenly lept ahead of us. At one stage we were neck and neck :-)

    Very nice it Mr Blair to do that as well.

    Good luck.

  7. Congratulations, Zoe!



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