We know a lot more about Chaz Bono's decision to become a man, and there's one thing he wishes he did differently -- that he had done it sooner.In other words... the typical, almost stereotyped, transsexual narrative. The details change, but the story's the same. As are the reactions.
-- The process has been going on for a while now. Chaz is taking hormones. As for when he's having the breasts removed -- no date has been set. That operation typically is the marker when judges allow someone to legally change sexes.
-- Cher has known about this for a year.
-- Chaz underwent a tremendous amount of psychological counseling before beginning the physical process of transitioning.
-- Chaz has considered himself a man for as long as he remembers.
-- As for wardrobe, we're told Chaz doesn't think a lot will change because he's been wearing mens clothing for a long time.
6. I am transgendered. I have been reading a lot of comments on previous posts about Chaz' transition, and to be honest it breaks my heart. Being transgender/intersex already makes you hate yourself enough. It doesn't help when people are cruel in pointing out how disgusted they are by your existance. We get treated like ish because of a mess up when we were developing in the womb. Google it. It's a gene that gets activated by hormonal imbalance in the womb, which in turn gives us the wrong brain for our bodies. We'd give anything to have been born normal.And then we have articles like this one:
Posted at 11:40AM on Jun 13th 2009 by A. Williams
11. instead of calling HER a HIM why not call her an IT, that is terribly disgusting, and no wonder she confused about herself, look at her parents! am sick of hearing about this homo thing, its getting to get out of hand, US straight people dont run around saying what our sexual preferences are. keep your private lives private! instead of prop 8 for gay marriages, why they not just try to get sodomy legal? world is turning into nothing but a bunch of freaks!!
Posted at 11:50AM on Jun 13th 2009 by baby
14. Sexuality and Gender are not dichotomies, people. They are spectrums. It doesn't help when you call Chaz "it" or "she" as this is person, first of all, and, more importantly, self-identifies as a male. If you cannot see a person who is transitioning to a new stage in his life, it says more about your shortcomings than anthing else.
Posted at 11:53AM on Jun 13th 2009 by Carrie Precum will work at Hooters
30. This 'thing' is just a disgusting waste of human flesh. I hope she/he/it kills itself so we don't have to hear about it again.
Posted at 12:31PM on Jun 13th 2009 by Benny Barnes
38. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak.
Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it.
Posted at 12:43PM on Jun 13th 2009 by Princesspink
Calling "IT" a "HE"
Posted at 12:57PM on Jun 13th 2009 by Jane Doe
50. She is definitely not a "he", although an "it" may be more appropariate. Why do these weirdopeople want to announce all their wackiness? Who cares? Go back in the closet.
Posted at 1:22PM on Jun 13th 2009 by observer
142. FREAKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! SHE needs serious psychological HELP! If God wanted to make her a man, God would have done it himself. God doesn't make mistakes!! SHAME ON HER!!!!!
Posted at 7:52PM on Jun 13th 2009 by chris
Instead of dealing with the myriad tangible, pressing issues at hand, Claman et al. -- and how many are in the et al. camp on the Assembly is anybody's guess -- are peddling a poorly crafted proposed ordinance addressing what essentially is a nonexistent problem. Has there been a rash of discrimination against gays? Do people seek them out to be mean?Er... maybe because such persecution is legal, and the Equal Rights Commission doesn't deal with it. No competent attorney would advise their client to pursue a case against an action that isn't actually illegal.
Deny them housing? Refuse them loans? Fire them? Say ugly things about their shoes? Not so you'd notice. At a packed hearing last week on the ordinance -- about 88 of the 317 people who signed up to testify actually had their say; the rest get another shot Tuesday -- there was ample grumbling and various anecdotal accounts about such things, but few actual complaints filed with offices such as the Equal Rights Commission.
Some just don't believe the comments I quoted above actually exist.
This Blog is being archived by the Australian National Library. In future years, people will have a look at comments like those, and wonder how anyone could think that way. I quote the bigotry, the ignorance, the hatred, the irrationality, the cruelty, and the denial for posterity. And do what I can to fight it, by rational argument, or even just by turning over the rock to shed some light on the issue. to show that yes, we really do have a problem.
Your blog is both informative & funny! That is a hard balance to get...good for you!
ReplyDeleteI wish TMZ had respected Chaz's request for privacy during this time. Since they did not we might as well move on a talk about the subject. There are so many false rumors out there. Our readers (of our blog) have asked us lots of questions so we are going to have a 6Pak (a trans man) write about his story in order to put to rest some of the useless crap out there!
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