
Friday 24 July 2009

A name for it (Triple Word Score)

While doing some research on something else entirely - my PhD on genetic algorithms - I came across the technical name for my condition. Protandrous pseudohermaphroditism.

The protagonist in Heinlein's "All you Zombies" was a protogynous hermaphrodite. Another form of serial hermaphroditism, or Dichogamy.

Another case appears to be in this ABC story. Chloe Prince, whose change was different in etiology, and took rather longer, but involved similar issues. She however had crossdressed for many years to relieve her discomfort, whereas I was a complete novice who had to learn a lot in 3 months, not 3 years. And I had rather more consultation with my partner.

The issues for the most important people though, our children, were and are identical. Andrew turned 8 the other day. I'm still his Father, not his Mother, and he gives me a card on Father's day. It's just that his Father is a Girl.

Maybe I should tell Wikipedia that it's not just confined to "some fishes, gastropods, and most flowering plants.".

Nah. That's close enough. For them it's the norm, for mammals... unusual.

Bear with me - my regular readers will know all this, so you can skip it if you're one of them. But I still get new visitors here who haven't been through the archives. They go back 6 years, after all.

Most dichogamous humans are protogyneous pseudohermaphrodites, due to either 5ARD syndrome or 17BHDD syndrome.

There are not many of us. Maybe 5,000 in the USA. It's easier just telling people we're transsexual, rather than going into the details of the natural change.

You know that your life is going to be interesting, complicated and not without difficulty when you hide amongst transsexual people so as not to appear to be too unusual.

The terms "pseudohermaphrodite" and "hermaphrodite" are deprecated though. We prefer to have our various conditions lumped under the term "Intersexed", that is, if they're not split into their proper names - Kleinfelter Syndrome, Kalman Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, CAI Syndrome, PAI syndrome, CAH syndrome, MGD syndrome, PMD syndrome etc etc.

Most Intersexed people, while their appearance may be ambiguous, or they may have chromosomes at odds with their apparent sex, look the same from birth. Those who change from looking mostly like one sex to looking mostly like the other are a distinct minority. Most are homogamous.


  1. The thing is, in mammals the change is incomplete. Were it a complete change from male to female you would've transitioned without problems, and without the need for any medical intervention. Heck, you could even be pregnant by now.

    Not that your body didn't give it the old college try, but our way of handling gender does have its drawbacks.

    Hope your PHD work is going well BTW.

  2. You're always welcome to hide amongst us, Zoe.

    You need a snazzy code name, tho. How about "Lady Godiva"?

  3. Off topic, but I think u might find interesting

  4. This qualifies as the understatement of the month,

    "You know that your life is going to be interesting, complicated and not without difficulty when you hide amongst transsexual people so as not to appear to be too unusual."


  5. mythusmage - there may be a case recorded now where the change was more complete. It's being looked into by a major medical centre for confirmation. But if so, it's the only one, the degree of change varies.

    It would have been nice to get a complete change, but I'll take what I can get. It took me unambiguously "over the line" from a medical and biological viewpoint, anyway.


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