
Monday, 7 September 2009

A Diamond in Hawaii

Professor Milton Diamond - also myself, and my G/F Katie, another protandrous dichogamous pseudohermaphrodite.

It's no exaggeration to say that Professor Diamond is to the science of Gender and Sex as Albert Einstein is to Physics. Hopefully he learned something about us, he certainly taught me quite a bit.

He's also a really charming man, and his wife is equally gracious, as well as being a very, very impressive psychologist in her own right. Lovely people.

I've said it before, but the best thing about my change is the wonderful people I've had the chance to meet. People who I never would have met, or even heard of, if my metabolism hadn't staged a palace revolt.


  1. While I don't share your medical condition, I share your appreciation for the goodness in people. You are inspirational!

  2. Very interesting paper; thank you.

  3. You are absolutely an inspiration Zoe!

    - Ali Russell


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