
Monday, 21 September 2009

Gender Testing of Female Athletes - An Interactive Guide

From the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Biointeractive Teaching Aids


  1. Right at the eleven minute mark.

    Is there a word i'm not aware of that describes the sensation you get from laughing about something one moment, only to be blind-sided by something else horrifically offensive the next?

    i should have known better. i can't that show, and never watch it anyway.

    It just takes a refresher to remind me once and awhile.

  2. Aww, Hulu videos aren't available in Australia :(

  3. Hi Nat!

    Looks like we'll be meeting on the 10th or 11th...

    Hugs, Zoe

  4. Anonymous T-Girl asks-

    "Is there a word i'm not aware of that describes the sensation you get from laughing about something one moment, only to be blind-sided by something else horrifically offensive the next?"

    I don't know about other parts of the world, but where I'm from in the US we call that "Thanksgiving Dinner with the relatives"


  5. I guess we're able to get Hulu where I live. I caught the Saturday Night Live skit. It is outrageous. It is brutally offensive. There is no way to get away from that stuff. Where can you go? Live the life of a recluse? She has no chance of hiding from that kind of abuse. Somehow it's worse seeing that on network t v than in the tabloid news. There should be a way to make them pay for that kind of meanness. It makes me wonder what Al Franken is made of now that he has his Senate seat.

  6. Zoe,
    I'm looking forward to our meeting!! Nervous about being on TV though.


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