We separatists are to tolerate Jew children, ex-Yid converts, “good” Jews, and the Aryans who would lay their lives down for them in our spaces – and in return for what? Are these Jew-lovers going to be as tolerant of our objections as we’re supposed to be of their Jew kith and kin? Or are we going to be called bullies and “police” the second we point out that their jew-spawn aren’t any better than the rest of them, that their marriages aren’t any better than anyone else’s, and that their christianised Yid friend is still just as Jewish as he was the day he was born? See, not only are separatists to tolerate the presence of these Jews – both in the flesh, and, unceasingly it seems, in the discourse of the Aryans who love them – but we’re then to stifle any opinions we might have on the matter, so as to spare the feelings of Aryans who give more of a shit about Jews than they do about the feelings of Aryans who’d rather not deal with them.That is a close quote from AROOO. Not a Nazi site as such, but close enough. What was actually said - I swapped 2 linguistic tokens - was this:
We separatists are to tolerate male children, tranny males, “good” men, and the women who would lay their lives down for them in our spaces – and in return for what? Are these man-lovers going to be as tolerant of our objections as we’re supposed to be of their male kith and kin? Or are we going to be called bullies and “police” the second we point out that their boys aren’t any better than the rest of them, that their marriages aren’t any better than anyone else’s, and that their surgically mutilated tranny friend is still just as male as he was the day he was born? See, not only are separatists to tolerate the presence of these males – both in the flesh, and, unceasingly it seems, in the discourse of the women who love them – but we’re then to stifle any opinions we might have on the matter, so as to spare the feelings of women who give more of a shit about males than they do about the feelings of women who’d rather not deal with them.This is a branch of Radical Feminism that is malignant. The degree of the malignity is illustrated by my first quote. I could have substituted other tokens, "White" and "Black" for example. Which tokens are used doesn't matter, and neither does the order: what matters is the underlying malignancy.
And rather than "stifling" such opinions, I think they should be exposed, and widely publicised. Along with the names of those that espouse them. "People" who object to "tolerating" male children.
Unlike you, I have known many Jewish Lesbian Separatists who would be outraged by your example.
ReplyDeleteThe Nazis were 99.9% male, for starters. Pornography is Nazism. Or hadn't you noticed?
Your male-identification is the primary malignancy that 99.9% of all females bear toward each other, and which will keep you squealing with delight under the boot of the male eternally.
Oh, and, when was the last time you reacted with such vehemence against the *actual* female infanticide that has "disappeared" 200,000,000 female human beings from planet Earth?
Oh. I see. You didn't want to provoke males. Well then.
Maybe because you're male yourself. After all, if there were no males, how could there be "MTF's"?
ReplyDeleteWow, Zoe, you've attracted attention from the Chock-Full-O'-Nuts crowd at AROOO.
ReplyDeleteI scanned over the blog a bit, finding treasures such as "Terms like ‘children’, ‘domestic violence’, ’sexuality’, ‘parenthood’, even ‘genitalia’, all give the impression that for every female facet of existence there is a direct, equivalent male corollary and vice versa."
Say wha?
And Mary Sunshine makes such funny jokes. Such a credit to The Movement!
Probably the single most frustrating issue I have with the whole transition process is that it’s based on a male-female binary.
ReplyDeleteWe all know better than that don’t we?
I am learning now, with the help of therapy, but mostly through my own experiences, that I am who I am and I should love who I am. And it’s working.
I was never male, I know that, and I will never be female in the sense that society generally accepts. I didn’t fit with so many “male” things growing up, but on the other hand because of my genitalia I was denied access to the very closed-club of the female world and the associated knowledge and experience that they would naturally indoctrinate each other with.
I therefore am neither male nor female in the way that society accepts most other people are, and why would I want to try and join such a closed-club of closed-minded heteronormative sheeple anyway?
I have therefore never liked the term “male-to-female transsexual”.
It should be a science in itself, the study of labels and those who so vehemently defend one that they believe describes them at the inclusion of others that don’t fit their prejudiced views.
And I was sooo hoping they'd simply gone away by now.
ReplyDeleteMethinks Mary Sunshine should go hang around with her friends Mr. Hilter, Mr. Bimmler, Mr. Mc Goering...and Ron Vibbentrop...in Minehead, perhaps at one of their bocialist rallies.
ReplyDeleteThe most hilarious thing about AROOO is the nature of one of their supporters. One who they support in return, and defend.
ReplyDeleteYou really have to read the following links in order to get the full effect:
One - the Anti-Trans alliance
Two - Gender Confusion
Three - I'll just let you read that one
There's also Four and Five... (not recommended).
At least he's deleted the soft-porn site he used to have, featuring scantily-clad or unclad women in seductive poses. Pure Sexploitation.
You can't recognise a real "male coloniser of women's space" when he's right in front of your nose.
Just look at this page Mary S. Can you say "male privilege"? Macho even?
From his myspace page:
Who I'd like to meet:
I'd like to meet a girl who's open, understanding and likes to have fun. I'd like to meet a girl who can hold her own, still have a guy and be a girl. I'm still looking but I hope to someday meet a girl who can have fun and still be a girl.
The only thing Nick (and sometimes Nicky when he's feeling femme) has in common with you is the hatred. Hatred that's gotten him banned from every Intersex site I know of - such as Bodies Like Ours.
It's OK Mary S - we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you.
ReplyDeleteMary Sunshine does not have the same entertament value as Yosemite Sam. Not enough scatology.
> "have known many Jewish Lesbian Separatists who would be outraged by your example."
ReplyDeleteThat was rather the point. Unfair treatment of people is outrageous without regard to whether the people being mistreated are Jewish, Christian, black, white, women, men, trans, whatever.
Screw you, Mary Sunshine! You're no better than the Ku Klux Klan, someone from Westboro...or the Nazis! Exactly the same one track minded thinking...very MALE type thinking, in fact!
ReplyDeleteSeems like ol NC gets around -- is everywhere it seems these days.
There's one rather large difference you're overlooking. Separatists, by and large, aren't willing to be violent. Actually, they don't really do much of anything. Aside from ranting on blogs and Michfest, when was the last time anyone in the real world heard anything from them?
ReplyDeleteThis sort of points to the larger problem I have Zoe's equivalence of left wing crazies and right wing crazies. They may rant equally nutty, but left wing crazies are largely ignored and ineffectual. Right wing crazies are the base and sometimes get violent.
Say what you like about AROOO but I can't believe you have dragged kamododragon into this - especially with your nasty little comment "don't recommend this one"
ReplyDeleteYou destroyed your entire argument against AROOO with this.
Say what you like about AROOO but I can't believe you have dragged kamododragon into this - especially with your nasty little comment "don't recommend this one"
ReplyDeleteFirstly Nick himself is so inconsistent he's funny. Secondly Zoe has a very valid point that within AROOO, Nick is actively supported, in stark contrast to the separatist message that dominates the site, which significantly undermines that separatist message.
Finally, the last two links that Zoe has as "not recommended" link to Nick describing his techniques for solo intimacy. What Zoe might have said, was the more common "NSFW" or "NSFL" (Not Safe For Work or Not Safe for Lunch).
Boo - such people have the ear of the powerful sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThey can shape policy.
"Radical Lesbian Feminist Academic Janice Raymond ascribed transsexuality to a "Patriarchal Fifth Column", which is "infiltrating womens’ space" and “raping womens’ bodies” in her book The Transsexual Empire - Making of the She Male. Her report, commissioned by the Carter Administration providing health services to transsexuals, effectively eliminated federal and some states' public aid for anything related to transsexual or transgendered conditions. "
This policy has provably resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people over 30 years.
This policy has provably resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people over 30 years.
ReplyDeleteAnd that was beyond horrible. But it happened 30 years ago. Yes, we continue to live with the repercussions, but when in the last 15 years have you heard of anyone taking radical lesbian separatists seriously?
30 years ago, there were dangerous crazy leftists and dangerous crazy rightists. Today, and for quite some time, the dangerous crazies are pretty much all on the right.
squealing with delight under the boot of the male eternally
ReplyDeletePaging Dr Sigmund Freud!
To Mary Sunshine, should you read this:
ReplyDeleteAs a female-to-male transsexual I am greatly insulted by your malicious sterotyped and bigoted veiws towards those of the male gender. Your rhetoric smacks of blatant misandry as well as the same vicious contempt as those who are misogynistic. Furthermore, for you to refer to Zoe as a male is not only abhorrent, it is hateful and completley denies the fact that she, yes madam, she is as much of a woman as you are though certainly a far better one than you claim to be. I mourn for those baby girls who will never have a chance to improve the world around them, but to say that their blood stains the hands of all men is the deepest wound to me, since I love all children with all my heart and have two little sisters of my own whom I would gladly die for if needed. I will not sit idly by while you spew your extremist poison towards men, your fellow women and those who fall outside the gender binary.
Adrian Rowan Smith