
Thursday, 29 April 2010

The UN Jumps the Shark - Again

From :
The United Nations (UN) has been known to do some puzzling things in the past. Usually they conduct business in any manner they wish and answer to no one. Another example of that is happening right now in what has already been called one of the most illogical moves the UN has made in recent memory. With little more than a passing mention, the UN elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of women.

This is the same Iran that recently passed a law which could lead to women being imprisoned for having a suntan. The same Iran which has backed its clerics who stated that God would rain down fury on the planet as has been happening with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions because women are immodest. The same Iran which not only allows but requires that “immodest” women either be lashed or stoned to educate them while punishing them.

The Commission on the Status of Women is a panel of ten, meaning Iran will not be lost on the shuffle of dozens of voices in this position. Iran will be serving a term of four years at which point they may or may not seek another term. Iran recently gave up their bid for a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council which was thought to be a ridiculous reach they had no prayer of attaining. Why anyone thought it was a good idea to give Iran any oversight into gender equality and the advancement of women which is the sole purpose of the Commission on the Status of Women is puzzling.

The U.N. had to know this was going to draw criticism if anyone heard of it in advance. The Iranian bid for this seat was self characterized as a covert campaign. The U.N press release announcing it was a mere blurb buried, actually nearly hidden, some 2,000 words into the document. What is disturbing is that Iran received their seat by acclamation which means that there not only was no open vote, but that a vote was not requested by any of the member states which includes the United States.

Understatement of the year award:
Why anyone thought it was a good idea to give Iran any oversight into gender equality and the advancement of women which is the sole purpose of the Commission on the Status of Women is puzzling.

Hope. And Change. Wonder what the US State Department - under Hillary Rodham Clinton - could have been thinking of when this one went down? Something else, probably.... something more important.


  1. le diable rit avec nousMonday, May 03, 2010 12:19:00 am

    Obama promised change; he didn't promise it would be a good change.

  2. The UN is the sum of its parts, which makes it inherently limited in this regard. It has to represent the interests of all its members, no matter how odious. If it didn't, it would disintegrate.

    In spite of those limitations, the UN has managed to do some good stuff. Not in this case, though.


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