
Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Animation of all nuclear explosions from 1945 - 1998.

Posted in haste because I'm too busy at GECCO 2010 in Portland, Oregon


  1. Depressing to see how many America has set off...and interesting to see that none of the ones Great Britain fired off have been on the British Isles, proper....

  2. I am not religious. But whenever I see photos of "mushroom clouds," the only word that comes to my mind is "sin."

  3. Having been worked in the US monitoring program for global nuclear testing (1969-73), it's a very interesting video since some of the countries with nuclear weapons haven't tested but been given the technology, especially by the US or Russia for our allies or in the name of "deterence." Yeah, right. You can't bitch about other nations wanting or developing nuclear weapons when you been given it away and allow them to deny the existence of them in their arsenal.


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