
Thursday, 16 September 2010

Feeling Crook

I have the Dreaded Lurgy that's been making the rounds of the ANU. Aches, Pains, Coughing, Sneezing.... but just when I felt awful, some friends wished me well. I still feel like death warmed up, but I don't feel bad, if you can understand that.


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon!
    Doesn't your employer shout you the flu vax each year? Mine does. I reckon it's saved me from sick leave in the last several years they've been shouting us.
    Besides, I have asthma so it's recommended that I get the jab.

    It's my birthday today!

  2. Flu vax don't do nuttin' for a cold.

    Hope you get to feeling better, Zoe.

  3. Mythus
    Aches and pains speak to me of flu!

    A sneeze!


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