
Friday, 24 December 2010

A conclusion I came to at age 4

Any excuse will do for a time of peace, goodwill, and giving presents to children. It is it's own justification, nothing else is needed. Candles that keep mystically burning, stars that travel in the sky, or jolly fat men riding aeriel sleighs, those are strictly optional embellishments.

Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Merry Christmas to you as well! Not that we need any gifts from you, since they have been provided in advance with all the insightful and fascinating entries you keep providing.

  2. This is a beautiful wish. :)

    Happy holidays and all the best for 2011, Zoe.

  3. Shouldn't the second sentence start, "It's its own justification. . ."?

  4. Hi Zoe,

    I'm a sporadic reader of your blog. I have a great admiration for you - not just for your considerable courage, but also for your incredible intellect and energy.

    Enjoy the holiday season, and best wishes for a fantastic 2011.


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