
Sunday, 30 January 2011

Putting a veil on Egypt

From Phyllis Chessler at Pyjamas Media:

Cairo University Class of 1959

Cairo University Class of 1978

Cairo University Class of 1995

Cairo University Class of 2004

Cairo University Class of 2015

Females not permitted on campus by order of the Muslim Brotherhood

"Islam is dogma and worship, a fatherland and nationality, religion and state, spirituality and action, the Qur'an and the sword"

For a guide to what's happening in Egypt, see the events of 93 years ago.


  1. It is the west that supports them. Stop buying their exports.


  2. Interesting illustration of the trend towards women covering up as Muslims as time passes- looking more and more rigid and fundamentalist, but in character, quite open and sharing. At least that's what I find. Muslim girls wouldn't even look at me 20 years ago, now they are friendly and chatty on average- uni students I'm talking about.

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