
Thursday, 8 March 2012

Three views on Trans Children


  1. It seemed to me the interviewer was... sceptical but she did ask a lot of pertinent questions. Thank you for a very interesting listen.

  2. Something struck me while listening to Ken Zucker ...

    Up until now, I along with practically all trans people that I know would've been shaking our heads at things that he said. Things like the "wait and see" approach because he's quoting that only 15% of kids remain determined into adolescence after having expressed cross-gender needs as young children.

    Perhaps I've never believed this before because I'm one of the 15% and so are all the other trans people that I know. I mean, why would I know anyone that was in the 85%?

    Actually I probably should because for every 1 transitioner I know, I should know 6 who thought they wanted to transition as kids but changed their minds. Or are these people not expressing their early childhood thoughts in adulthood. Maybe if we removed the stigma more that changed their mind would admit it?

    Come to think of it, if we removed the stigma ...

    Hang on, why not remove gender-labels and expectations ... and stereotypes ...

    And how about we embrace science over superstition ...

    Hey I know, ...


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