
Thursday, 24 October 2013

Bearing False Witness - The Spectral Evidence of Violation and Rape

Let's take a moment to discern the Spirits.... Now the public schoolchildren are being told by a demonic spirit "You must open up your daughters' privacy to our perversion". And this demonic spirit inside of this boy is now violating, and for all intents and purposes, he's raping - at least visually - these teenage girls.

"Spectral evidence" is the only evidence they have, of course. Only they can see the true danger.
Everyone else in the town sees a girl using a restroom and engaging in girltalk, as she's done for the past two years.. A girl who happens to be Trans.

Oh yes - send money. The PJI needs it to alert the rest of the nation to this imminent threat by demonic forces that only they can discern.


  1. This sounds exactly typical of the many opposed to trans-anything! Send money, it's always about the money - lmfao!

  2. It sad that those claiming to be 'Christians' are little more than yet another political extremist group that uses hate of 'the other' to get recognition, raise funds, and promote their special kind of religious hate.

    Their Book says "Love God with all that you are" and "Love others as you love yourself".

    In my reading (and I *AM* a Believer) it never says 'hate people that are different'.


    When the interpretation of a tertiary (at best) doctrine becomes more important than following a THE major doctrine (see - The Great Commission), you've lost your way.


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