Humans have rights. The right to privacy, for example. The right, absent evidence that they would harm their children, to see those children. The right to marry in the first place. The right not to be made figures of public scorn and derision, to be called "it" and have their very humanity denied.
Others don't have those rights. The contrast can be seen clearly at
Every ten minutes a child is born, 1/2500, in which the doctor cannot determine the sex, or gender. These children are Intersex; they are born into a life of not male or female. Likewise in similar fashion the Transsexual is identified with a Bioneurological congenital condition they too are locked into something not quite so clearly defined as male, or female. The best we can do is live as close to what we seem to believe we are. That may preclude the wants, and often ignorant and bigoted beliefs of others. In what case do we ignore this issue and abandon the children who now cannot hide? How can anyone continue in hate and prejudice so as to deny simple equality and justice? It is either time for change and understanding, or simply wheedle out the transgender element as inhuman and adopt the final solution as Hitler visualized? Not an easy thing to resolve, but one that is present and will not go away.
Yet, the question that stands, is one for which no one seems to want to address. If the court says a transitioned person’s marriage is not acceptable, then would the same court allow same sex marriages under the same definitions? (i.e. transitioned male - FtM to genetic male, or transitioned female MtF to natal woman) Can the courts have it both ways and an individual be denied any hope of existence as a human being?
Set aside the bizarre and oddities of the story spoken of here, what about me? Can I remarry my spouse now that I am transitioned? What are my options? I have none! I guess it is, in fact, the plan to eradicate the Transsexuals and Intersex, rather than recognize special needs. The final solution is a reality! We only have to make abortions mandatory for all who are not included in the defined social binary.
It's easy to give in to despair sometimes, when confronted with that kind of attitude.
Those of us our age who were capable of giving in have already done so, and are no longer with us. Like it or not, when it comes to you and I,"I can see she is made of sterner stuff!" to quote Cardinal Fang.
My son was born Intersexed.
My activism isn't altruistic, it's personal, you see. Not for me, but for my child.
If anyone actually tries the Endlosung on us, they won't find it easy. My main worry in that eventuality is preventing collateral damage. I don't consider that possibility very likely though.
Our current battle is for hearts and minds, and the coming year will be more important than most.
Our profile has been raised in the US recently. That means we will take greater casualties - currently running at confirmed transphobic 1 murder per 8 days, three times last year's rate. It may continue to increase.
It's going to be a very bad Transgender Day of Remembrance this November. I think we've already exceeded last year's figure, and it's only March.
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