Everything you never wanted to know about the three levels of review used by the US courts to analyze equal protection claims: "strict scrutiny," "intermediate scrutiny," and "rational basis." And lots more besides.
There's a human element too.
This paper is dedicated to the three transsexuals the author has known who have taken their own lives in the past year. May they find the peace they could not find in life.
I can feel the love:
I have my own sisters voices that still ring in my ears. I remember how tired I was the last time when taking to one very special sister in the middle of the night. It was the last time I heard her voice. One by one they fade away and we are left feeling a failure in trying to help. We have an awsome responsibility to live lives to the max and persist regardless of the moments darkness. Then I think of the Trans-children coming up behind us and what we can do for them. There is so much information about Intersex and Transsexuality available, and so many closed minds and ears. Some days, well you know, some days.....
Sorry Zoë, just skimming the article I found flaws.
First, they claim that most trans people are "attracted to their own biological gender" or some such clap-trap. The truth is sexuality is much more diverse in the trans community.
Next, they cite an obsolete (1990) version of the Standards of Care and make no mention of WPATH. Come on the name change was what 3 years ago now?
Next, I din't see any mention of the Schroer case.
I couldn't get by these issues.
Forgot to mention I don't like the use of GID or her definition of what a transsexual person is. It is a physiologic condition, not psychological as inferred by their description. Dypshoria is also not an absolute indicator of transsexualism. Transsexualism is being born with a brain-body mismatch period. As more and more evidence is discovered that proves that we will qualify under the American with Diasabilities Act if the language they discuss is accurate.
Anywho, this paper needs to be re-written in light of the Schroer case and probable ENDA legislation in the near future.
I should have mentioned that it dates from circa 1997, and much has happened since then.
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