
Friday, 19 March 2010

It's all downhill from here....

From Gizmodo:

Humans, of course, are adaptive creatures, and the human mind is the most incredible biological machine in existence. All hope is not lost. We already develop coping mechanisms, and expanded experience often minimizes the impact of our declining cognition. (Experience is represented by "world knowledge" on the graph above.) But in an era during which anything seems possible, could we significantly alter the course of this graph?

Could we make the three green, three blue and four grey lines stay level...or even go up?
I intend to try.

Of course, the normal rules don't apply to me in some areas. If I'm lucky, not here either. Goodness knows, my neurology has taken some significant re-wiring recently.

1 comment:

  1. Ehehe... just what I needed to make my weekend. But then, it's not actually news to one who needs two or three rounds around the bedroom lately just to prepare self for the bathroom visit...


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