SimTecT, Australasia's premier simulation and training technologies conference and exhibition. SimTecT 2004 brings together the region's leading simulation practitioners, users and policy makers.Our paper rejoices in the title of 'Simulation Case Study - xtUML in Agile Development'. It's about how a leading-edge technique, Executable/Translatable Unified Modelling Language, was applied to Agile Development (Jargon with a very specific meaning in Software Engineering, comprising many of the methods used in Extreme Programming, yet another technical term) while making a really, really detailed simulation of the Transport by Air of Integrated Logistics (TAIL). I'll write about this later, it's difficult explaining some of these dry, dusty details to people who aren't Software Mavens without leaving them hopelessly confused, or worse, boring them to tears.
But thanks to Silent Running, I've come across the specifications for what may be the most realistic - and in today's political climate, the most relevant - simulation to date. Donning my Professional Simulations Expert Hat (with sign that glows in the dark), I present ... the requirements for The Ultimate War Simulation.
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