Saturday 9 April 2005

It's About Time

From The Australian :
A US judge sentenced a man to nine years in prison today for violating anti-spam laws by sending out millions of unsolicited e-mails using fake addresses.

Prosecutor Lisa Hicks-Thomas said the circuit judge in Loudon County, Virginia, had accepting the sentencing recommendation of the jury that convicted Jeremy Jaynes, of Raleigh, North Carolina, last November.
Jaynes, who operated using the alias Gaven Stubberfield, was listed by the anti-spam watchdog group Spamhaus as the eighth most prolific spammer in the world.

Ms Hicks-Thomas said prosecutors calculated that Jaynes took in between $US500,000 and $US750,000 ($653,500 to $980,000) a month through the sale of products through the e-mails.

She said Jaynes also possessed a stolen database of America Online members with some 84 million e-mail addresses.
I'm against the death penalty, but I think he got off lightly. A 25-year sentence would have been more appropriate, given the amounts involved, the obnoxious behaviour, and the general misery and inconvenience he's caused to millions of people.

And a $10 million dollar fine, so he doesn't profit from it. Otherwise a lot of people are going to look at the case, and think "hmmm... a million bucks a year for 9 years of low-security prison time... it might be worth it."

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